Civil Works Engineers provides civil engineering services in urban development and related fields. We achieve outstanding results through quality, professionalism and commitment.

Flood Investigation Report
Flood Investigation Report
The objective of the flood investigation report is to provide a hydraulic assessment to establish the flooding characteristics for the site against existing and developed site conditions, and provide recommendations to offset any potential impacts imposed by the proposed development in accordance with the local Council’s development codes.

Code Compliance Report
Code Compliance Report
Code compliance report can be prepared to address the specific set of criteria used by Council to assess your development. Typically this report will include a stormwater code, infrastructure design code, and a filling and excavation code.
If required, we can incorporate a concept design drawing and erosion hazard assessment (Brisbane Area) with our code compliance report.

Tender Management
Tender Management
Once you project has been designed and approved for construction, Civil Works Engineers can help you call and administer the tender phase of your project. We can assist with:
– Tender documentation
– Bill of Quantities
– Construction Cost Estimates
– Tender Administration
– Tender Evaluation and Summary

Concept Design Drawings
Concept Design Drawings
Concept design drawings can be produced at the start of your project to assist in identifying opportunities and constraints in servicing the development. These types of drawings can help to give a graphic depiction of the proposed works required to complete your project and give an understanding of the existing site infrastructure and the new infrastructure required to facilitate your development. At this stage, a concept design may help to estimate the construction costs of the civil works.
We can prepare concept design drawings for the following aspects of your development:
– Earthworks
– Erosion and Sediment Control
– Stormwater Drainage
– Roadworks
– Signage and Line Marking
– Car parking
– Sewerage Reticulation
– Water Reticulation

Engineering Services Reports
Engineering Services Reports
Engineering services reports provide the framework of a civil infrastructure plan which defines the civil engineering requirements of a proposed development with respect to earthworks, stormwater drainage, sewerage reticulation, water reticulation, access roads, roadworks and car parks. A concept design drawing can be developed as part of the report showing the existing services and infrastructure locations, and also the proposed connections and infrastructure works required for your development.
If required, we can incorporate code compliance reports which address Council specific criteria used by Council to assess your development.

Construction Supervision
Construction Supervision
During the construction phase, Civil Works Engineers can assist you with the following aspects of your land development project:
– Attendance to Contractor queries
– Audit inspections during construction
– As Constructed Drawings
– RPEQ Certification of Completion
– On Maintenance Documentation

Project Management
Project Management
Our project managers are focused on small and medium land development projects and can assist you with the following aspects of your project:
– Liaison and coordination of works with consultants, stakeholders, contractor and statutory authorities.
– Appointment and supervision of sub-consultants and contractors.
– Project status reporting and auditing.

Erosion Hazard Assessments
Erosion Hazard Assessments
There are many conditions on a construction site that contribute to the overall risk of soil erosion and sediment pollution to the environment. The Erosion Hazard Assessment (EHA), required by Brisbane City Council, determines whether that risk is ‘low’, ‘medium’ or ‘high’ by using a questionnaire system to assess the risk to the environment, based on the Council’s requirements for stormwater management and erosion and sediment control (ESC)

Site Based Stormwater Management Plan
Site Based Stormwater Management Plan
Stormwater quality and quantity management is investigated as part of our site based stormwater management plan (SBSMP). This plan is used to identify a set of best practice site management procedures to control the severity and extent of soil erosion and pollutant transport during the construction phase and post-construction phase (developed phase).
The SBSMP also identifies any potential on and off-site (upstream, downstream and adjacent properties) impacts associated with the site drainage system, for a proposed development. In addition, it can identify a range of stormwater management strategies and actions for water quality and environmental issues.
A development can be classified as ‘Low Risk’ or ‘High Risk’ and the proposed measures will be investigated and determined as part of our SBSMP.
We are able to provide individual plans for quality and quantity, respectively, or a combined plan investigating both areas.

Civil Works Detailed Design
Civil Works Detailed Design
Detailed design, certification and lodgment of operational works drawings and documentation is required to comply with the Development Approval (DA) conditions. The conditions are assessed and approved by the local Council and respective referral agencies whenever it is applicable.
Referral agencies are often involved in the development assessment process by providing critical advice on proposed development applications where there is a state interest.
Civil Works Engineers can assist you with the preparation of the civil works design drawings which form part of the operational works application in the following areas:
– Erosion and Sediment Control – site management plans and sediment basins
– Earthworks– including site grading, cutting and filling and building platforms
– Roadworks – including functional layouts, roads, intersections, driveways, site access and pavement design
– Signage and Line marking – pavement markings and regulatory signage
– Stormwater Drainage – including pipe networks, allotment drainage and stormwater quality management
– Car Parks – layout, grading, accessibility and vehicle maneuvering
– Sewerage – trunk infrastructure, sewer reticulation and property connection(s)
– Water – water trunk, water reticulation, water service and water meter